Macular Degeneration Detection & Treatment
Macular degeneration is a disease of the central retina. Usually age related, it can cause loss of visual detail in the central visual field. There are several forms of macular degeneration, but two types are most common.
Dry macular degeneration is characterized by retina deposits called drusen and changes in the normally uniform retina pigment. Typically, it progresses slowly. Progression can be slowed by AREDS2 supplements, a leafy vegetable, rich diet and UV protection/sunglasses. It is often genetic, but smokers and people raised in a smoking environment are especially prone to dry age related macular degeneration.
Wet macular degeneration occurs when new blood vessels form beneath the macula. It can have sudden onset, and the patient will see a spot in their central vision or distortion of central vision. This type of macular degeneration can be managed with medications that essentially shrink the leaky new blood vessels.
At Shallotte Vision Care we diagnose and manage macular degeneration with direct viewing of the macula during the eye exam and by imaging the macula with Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and retina photography, Call us today to schedule an appointment.